Saturday, May 26, 2007


Tiga is spending less and less time in the pen with the puppies. Often when she goes in she stays on the platform and visits from there. This usually creates a ruckus because the puppies see her and want to nurse. I personally think she is staying away from them because they now have teeth and I can attest to how sharp those teeth are. I've got to believe that nursing puppies with teeth cannot be that pleasant.

Which leads me to my next observation. Because she doesn't want to nurse as much, she has chosen an alternative way to feed her litter. She very generously gives them her food - after she has already eaten it. Yes, Tiga is a regurgitator (notice the nice pile of barf to the right of her).

She did this last year with her litter and I was really hoping it was just a fluke. Apparently, this is not the case and it is just her special style of mothering. Now she will probably have to visit all of the neighbors to eat enough food for herself as well as enough to throw up for the puppies.

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