Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Five vs. Eight

The first week has made me realize that there is a big difference between having only five puppies as opposed to eight. Here are a few of the benefits:

  • When I do my continual counting of the puppies to make sure they are all there I can now do it using only one hand.
  • There are only 80 toenails to clip as opposed to 128.
  • There are more than enough nipples to go around and plenty of milk. I don't have to worry about making sure everyone gets enough.
  • Tiga seems to be more aware of where they all are and isn't laying down on top of anyone.
I do miss seeing huge piles of puppies in the box but in a few weeks I am sure that I will not miss seeing the extra puppy piles.

1 comment:

Speak(er) said...

I love pink toes!