Monday, April 28, 2008

Last night the puppies had their first meal of solid food. There was no hesitation. They all just walked up to it and started eating as though they had been doing this for weeks. In Tiga's past litters there were always a few gluttons who pushed everyone out of the way and ate their share and more. Not the case this time. Everyone ate in a pretty orderly and polite fashion. Nobody was overly pushy or laid in the dish. I guess with fewer puppies that have always had more than enough to eat there just isn't the need to fight for the food.

After eating it was time to clean up . . .

. . . or help a friend clean up.

Another perk of motherhood for Tiga, she gets to clean up the left overs.

PLS desperately wanted to wash down her dinner with a little milk and just wasn't quite tall enough.

After the dinner mess was cleaned up they all crashed.

1 comment:

Speak(er) said...

Do you ask any of them, "Randy, show me how the piggies eat"?